Friday, 1 March 2013

Top 5 reasons for Takaful plan

We must grab an opportunity to buy takaful plan due to following reasons:

1. Tax relief
     a. Life - RM6000/yr
     b. Medical & Education - RM3000/yr
2. Forced saving
    - After 10 years, we should have substantial saving that can be withdrawn for any
3. Protection
    - In case of total permanent disability or sudden death, we will leave substantial
       cash to our next of kin
4. Donation
    - Systematic & structured way of donating fund to others
5. Discipline - Takaful scheme can inculcate good habit in saving & anticipation of
    future needs

If we subscribe a medical plan attached to takaful policy, we should have free medical treatment & ensured for best services at any hospitals nationwide.

Tuesday, 19 February 2013


This phenomenal term is considered death sentence for those who is totally unprepared mentally & financially. Why?

1. Only 25% survival rate
2. Long duration to treat full cycle of cancer (chemo, operation, radiotherapy & physiotherapy - min 1 year)
3. Expensive medical cost (RM30K - RM150K)
4. Dependable on others (nursery required if there is no close relative to take care)
5. Mental fatigue

So, to lessen the burden to combat this dreaded disease, why not we equip ourselves with financial readiness... at least we could concentrate on getting the best treatment...

Give it a thought! You won't regret later... :)

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Save & Protect

Sounds simple but many neglect it...

Working live is very stressful & in the long run, we're fighting ferociously to survive in stiff working environment... and still no assurance to be successful worker!

When the stress level is maximum, our hormones are affected... and if not manage properly, it could lead to serious health complication and obviously not good for our body!

So, we've to save & protect if anything becomes out of order. From financial perspective, we must be able to go thru this difficult moment if medical treatment is required to overcome acute health problem.... and of course, mr Medical card will do the job for you seamlessly!... kenapa, masih tak percaya ka.... :)

Repercussion of not having takaful's health policy

Following are the risks:

1. Adverse effect on your personal finance & saving after hospitalization
2. No immediate medical treatment for critical illnesses due to insufficient fund
3. Psychological distress due to high medical bill which leads to chronic trauma

So, let start a personal plan to mitigate the risk as much as possible. Act now... the choice are yours!

Monday, 28 January 2013

Best offer in town - takaful coverage for kids

Hurry up!!!

With RM50/mth, you could get takaful coverage for your kids:
1. RM100K for PA
2. RM50K for 46 dread diseases
3. RM50 per day for hospital allowance

This offer is only limited til Mac 2013. All of these benefits are under one single policy.

@ 019-2596950 khairul

Why MAA Takaful Medical Card

Only 1 main reason:

"Accepted at more than 93 private hospitals nationwide WITHOUT co-takaful payment"

So, your medical treatment cost is seamless & totally free of charge!

List of panel hospitals click here

Sample of medical card click here

Medical Card vs Credit Card

The cost of medical is escalating on yearly basis. We must be able to afford any treatment at the best medical center if required during emergency or chronic health problem. Although credit card could serve the purpose of paying the bill, but there is better alternative to settle all the bills without sacrificing our monthly paycheck. Imagine if the bill is amounting RM50,000 or more, wouldn't it great to let other parties to settle the payment in full! In this case, medical card will do the job much better...:)

The supremacy of medical card is undeniable compared to its nemesis as long as medical predicament is concerned!

Why wait any longer, let subscribe to the service at soonest possible while our health condition is still in excellent form in order to work on daily basis so that we could afford to pay the monthly takaful premium. Below is the indicative pricing based on age band & medical plan that suit your respective budget:

Detail of plan benefit click here