The cost of medical is escalating on yearly basis. We must be able to afford any treatment at the best medical center if required during emergency or chronic health problem. Although credit card could serve the purpose of paying the bill, but there is better alternative to settle all the bills without sacrificing our monthly paycheck. Imagine if the bill is amounting RM50,000 or more, wouldn't it great to let other parties to settle the payment in full! In this case, medical card will do the job much better...:)
The supremacy of medical card is undeniable compared to its nemesis as long as medical predicament is concerned!
Why wait any longer, let subscribe to the service at soonest possible while our health condition is still in excellent form in order to work on daily basis so that we could afford to pay the monthly takaful premium. Below is the indicative pricing based on age band & medical plan that suit your respective budget:
Detail of plan benefit
click here